What Britney Can Teach Us About Discernment and Clarity
Issue 14: Taking a page from “The Woman In Me” by Britney Spears
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Reading Britney’s book reinforced for me how lack of clarity can often lead to misjudgment. While the world continued to celebrate Britney Spears as an icon, behind the scenes she was enduring what now seems more like a prison sentence. Much of the world exhibited a lack of clarity about truth of her conservatorship, and evidently, so did she.
The entertainment industry has always had this seemingly glamorous aura about it. However, recently we’re discovering more and more atrocities coming forward as truths are slowly being unravelled in the public eye. One of them having been Britney Spears’ conservatorship. Her autobiography The Woman in Me tells of the extreme challenges that Spears faced while the rest of the world was fooled into believing that she was being protected.
While the book applauds Spears’s strength, it’s disheartening that 13 years of her life were unjustly taken, while so many of us fed into this delusion by buying tickets, merchandise and music. The people who were exploiting her fame and wealth benefited extensively by legally controlling her, which prompts me to reflect on where discernment may have helped in preserving and protecting a life.
Discernment is more than intuition; it’s the skill of identifying reality more accurately by sifting through the nuances. In a world where we are constantly over-stimulated with often false information, knowing how to see clearly can help ensure our intentions of engaging with the world are met, and that we can identify projections as they come rather than simply believing anything that is being said.
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In this email we’ll cover:
What’s New
Closing Remarks
“I’d been the good girl for years. I’d smiled politely while TV show hosts leered at my breasts, while American parents said I was destroying their children by wearing a crop top, while executives patted my hand condescendingly and second-guessed my career choices even though I’d sold millions of records, while my family acted like I was evil. And I was tired of it.”
― Britney Spears, The Woman in Me
What’s New?
Book of the Week:
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
Personal Rating:
This powerful memoir unpacks the complications and experiences that Britney Spears underwent during her thirteen year conservatorship. She tells her side of the story with strength and, most importantly, on her own terms.
Why We Love It:
I think that for a long time the world has been wondering what was going on behind the scenes of our beloved Britney. However, the curiosity didn’t sink deep enough that it would have made a difference until thirteen years down the line.
When I read this book, the most captivating quality that I picked up on was Britney’s strength and intelligence which not only shone through in her writing but also her thought process. When this became more evident, I researched some of her past interviews from before her conservatorship and noticed how intelligent she really is. Although she’s kind in her delivery much of the time she is still able to make her point clear, which for many people can be a challenge.
In that regard, her strength stems from her ability to still remain in that authentic frame of mind. Her intelligence and ability to comprehend her circumstances are evident and clear not only in her writing but as a person. I think it must have been quite cathartic for her to be able to express her side of the story after so many years, however, I would imagine that after that amount of time it would have taken so much work to overcome that deep programming.
Reading this book felt as though Britney was not only voicing her experiences, but is also setting an example of strength and authenticity despite her unjust hardship. Not only is she inspirational as an artist, but her conviction for self-expression and freedom resonates throughout her accomplishments, making this an incredible read to engage with.
Key Message:
Despite The Woman in Me being a testament to Britney Spears’s growth, I wonder what her life would have been like had she not found herself under a conservatorship for 13 years. Reflecting on her journey, I see it as a cautionary tale to choose your friends wisely, as it would potentially prevent a lot of loss and heartbreak.
As the conversation about personal freedom gains momentum, I’m noticing a newfound sense of confidence among many women who are, for the first time, embracing the power to make choices for themselves. This shift in mindset is reflected in Spears’ book, too, as she is finally regaining some of the freedom that she had lost. Even the ability to write and publish this book is a testament to that.
Conversations about freedom, gender, and control play a crucial role in helping individuals identify the subtle influences they may be subjected to. This is particularly pertinent for minorities who, now more than ever, have the opportunity to actively engage in the dialogue rather than passively accept a set way of life. It’s a conversation that has the power to deepen discernment on a mass scale and provoke change.
Quote of the Week:
Freedom means that I get to be as beautifully imperfect as everyone else. And freedom means the ability, and the right, to search for joy, in my own way, on my own terms.”
― Britney Spears, The Woman in Me
Reflection Questions:
How do you practice discernment in your day-to-day life?
Were there parts of Britney’s journey that you found inspiring, despite the abuse she underwent?
How do you think we can overcome hardship so that we don’t allow our experiences to determine the outcome of our life?
Insights and Inspiration
Author Spotlight:
Britney Spears
Britney Spears is an American pop star, with her most iconic parts of her career having been in the earlier parts of her career in the late 1990’s through to the early 2000’s. Having started her career very early on as part of The All New Mickey Mouse club when she was just a child, her range of talents and skills are incredible. Although her career achievements excelled her to superstardom, she underwent a tumultuous personal life which resulted in her conservatorship. The book “The Woman in Me” describes her personal experiences within that period of time.
Beyond the Book:
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Closing Remarks
In today’s over-stimulating world, the art of discernment is a crucial skill. Although we all don’t experience fame and the exploitation of it like Britney, we still need to be alert to maintain control of our lives, and not let over-stimulation cloud our judgement and rob us of our clarity. It’s important to remember that a clear person is harder to manipulate. Although Britney Spears’ conservatorship didn’t affect us directly, I do now question how much more information is being hidden in plain sight.
Achieving discernment requires emotional intelligence and critical thinking skills. Beyond preventing negative outcomes, discernment also enhances our relationships by granting us the information to make informed decisions. In practical terms, discernment cuts through ambiguity and enables us to live a more meaningful and satisfying life.
Despite the hardships expressed by Spears in this read, I hope she regains the clarity that was evident in her early career, allowing it to pave the way to her freedom. After reading the book, I can see how much personal work she still has had to do to overcome the abuse and restrictions she’s endured for 13 years. I’m happy that in many ways she is finally able to express herself freely, regardless of how she may choose to. In doing so, she not only reclaims control over her life but also inspires others to remain resilient in the face of hardship.
Until Next Time!
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June Tara
Founder of Spark Siren